4 Min.

Software Development

We use agile methods and rapid prototyping/MVP strategies to develop a stable software base as quickly as possible and expand it, using continuous integration, to meet user and customer requirements.

Reliable testing requires fundamental key elements: highest level of professional qualification, deep knowledge in everything software as well as long-standing experience in development itself.

Consistent design on the highest level render a company to be experienced on an emotional level. By creating a unique brand footprint, our design experts create individual brand perception on the highest level.

User experience, service design and usability are a crucial part of today’s development efforts of products and services.

Our ongoing development mandates & internal projects as well as constant training & seminars ensure state-of-the-art levels of knowledge, tools and resources in order to create high-quality solutions tailored to your specific project requirements.

Project workflow

First, we evaluate your specific requirements while leveraging our broad experience in research and formulation of (technical) requirements. Furthermore, we aggregate all compiled information and needs to achieve a comprehensive design & usability concept, including crucial components out of our service and process design experts. After developing this base, we assess and choose the fitting tools, frameworks and data structure models to code a productive and long-term useful software.

Your benefit

By following the outlined workflow, our developers and software engineers create platforms that are flexible enough to account for unpredictable pivots and project adjustments. Thus, we ensure conscious resource allocation from the beginning and avoid risks in budget or timing.

Our service

 Please find our portfolio within software development here:

  • Development of web applications via PHP
  • Mobile applications for iOS and Android devices, incorporating top performance and user-centric design
  • Chatbot development and maintenance
  • Proprietary development of platforms, tailored to Product- and Software-as-a-Service (PaaS/SaaS) offers
  • High expertise in Laravel, one of the most promising PHP frameworks
  • Daily usage of AngularJS, React, Vue within client projects and proprietary kits
  • Deep knowledge in ECMAScript as well as ongoing development projects on ES7 base
  • Case-based usage of SQL (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL) and NoSQL (e.g. MongoDB, CouchDB) data bases, depending on project scope and target
  • Results-oriented coding through agile methodology (SCRUM), lean development & design thinking, incorporating short sprint phases with periodic milestones

Get in touch with us today – no strings attached.
